I can help you to increase employee engagement within your business
Why employee engagement matters
If your employees are your most valuable asset, what are you doing to ensure they thrive in your business?
If employees feel engaged they are more likely to care about the business and be more motivated when doing their job. This can lead to improvements in areas such as retention, productivity, job satisfaction, employee health, customer service and ultimately profits.
What we do
Measuring aspects of employee engagement is an important part of understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your business, how motivation is changing and what the main factors are that motivate or demotivate people.
I like to view “engagement” as an umbrella term covering many people management concepts such as organisational commitment, identification and motivation.
In simple terms, these are the steps we would take:
1. Plan survey
- We start with our own question bank designed to give feedback on the key areas of engagement.
- We work with the executive team to identify perceived objectives and priorities with the business and tailor our questions accordingly.
- We identify appropriate groups within the business to produce appropriate granularity.
2. Ask employees
- We email all employees a cover letter and a link to their confidential questionnaire.
- We send reminders to those employees who have not yet completed the survey.
- Focus groups are held if required to gain additional qualitative feedback from employees.
3. Feedback to managers
- Once the data is collected we produce a summary report for the Executive team.
- If the business is over a certain size, we send each manager a bespoke report of the feedback received for their own area.
- We produce a presentation template which can be given to the entire workforce.
4. Create improvement plan
- We lead workshops with Executive/management groups to help them to understand their feedback.
- We use our practical experience of what actually works in an organisation to help the Executive team/managers to produce an action plan of next steps.
- If further analysis or strategic advice is required this can be discussed on a case by case basis.
About me

Lucy Thornton
CIPD qualified HR professional with over 17 years experience in businesses of varying sizes from small technology start ups to large corporates. Latterly specialising in employee engagement in a FTSE250 and a technology start up.
I would love to help you improve how your employees feel about working for your business.